Monday, April 19, 2010

NEW BOOK: The Graveyard Book

Heeeellllloooooooooo readers!

Here is our new book

(click on it to see the full picture)
The Graveyard Book - Neil Gaiman
ISBN 0060530928

It is a FABULOUS book about death, creepy things, gore, dead people, demons, goblins, monsters from the pit and dancing with the dead. A story of revenge and destiny. A story about Nobody Owens and The Man Jack.

It's a children's book people!

Go to the library and get your copy. It's probably going to be in the children's section. I think there should be more books like this written for kids. The Bed Wetting Society of America (BWSA) would have have so many new members. You can find their website here: BWSA

Also, Mr. Gaiman modeled his story off of Rudyard Kipling's 1894 work, The Jungle Book. Note: there are no dancing fat bears in this book. There are, however, similarities to The Jungle Book, moments of Awesomeness and words.

Go Get Your Copy!!!


  1. A couple of things:

    I'm already freaked out by the naked child on the cover.

    Thank you for linking the BWSA. I think Ashlee is a charter member...

    I'm excited!

  2. sarah! i told you not to tell anyone about that!

  3. my responses commence NOW:
    S) the child is not naked, per se. merely dead, ghosted and therefore not requiring the clothing of MORTALS.

    A) I wish I had a 'face palm' picture of Sarah. in a STAR TREK outfit.

    J) where are you Jessica?

  4. oh, and you DID click on the BWSA link, right?

  5. Ha! Just clicked on it. We should have a Star Trek themed party. Just saying...

    Okay, I started the book and I already love it. It reminds me of a mix of Nightmare Before Christmas (the movie...because I've never read the book) and Harry Potter.

  6. Harry Potter (the movie ... because you've never read the book, right?)

  7. No, I've never touched the stuff...

  8. Dan, you're slacking on the book club posts. Ashlee, you're slacking on actually GETTING the book.

    All I'm saying...
